How to grant permissions for the backup & restore of Teams chats?

To back up Teams channel posts and private chat messages, new permissions needed to be added to the admin consent process. New permissions are a part of the admin consent flow for all the new customers whose backups were enabled 1st of February, 2024 onwards, but for the already existing Nexetic Backup Microsoft 365 customers app permissions need to be separately granted in the Microsoft Entra admin center.

Global Administrator can grant app permissions for the entire Organization and it's users.

  1. To grant the permissions, log in to Microsoft Entra admin center using the tenant's Global Admin account.
  2. Under Applications -> Enterprise applications, search for and select the Nexetic Backup application. Please note that the app may be displayed with it's former name, Shield Cloud.


Note that there are two Nexetic Backup / Shield Cloud applications listed. Be sure to select this one:
Nexetic Backup (or Shield Cloud)
Application ID: 5f79838d-55f1-4baf-a3c1-75c938ff6d8a

    3. Select Permissions under Security. 

    4. On Permissions tab, click Grant admin consent for [the organization]


You have now regranted all the SharePoint and Teams related permissions that the backup application needs to have - also the new ones required for the backup and restoration of Teams chat and channel messages.

Next you can proceed to enable backup for Teams channel posts and/or private chat messages. You can do that on Backup portal's Settings page. Check the instruction here


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