Shields indicate the status of backup service.
Green shield - OK status. No errors or warnings
- Backup service is running without any problems
- Data is being backed up according to timing settings
- No failed files
- No errors or warnings
Orange shield - problem status. Different scenarios:
- Client is running, but no backups have been made for the last 7 days
- Backing up single files has failed
Red shield - error status. Different scenarios:
- Backup service is not running / is turned off
- No more disk space left for backups
- No connection from service
- No connection from client
- Backing up data has failed
Black shield - backing up data has not started. Different scenarios:
- Client has not started to backup data
- Adding / registering a user has failed
Grey shield - backup service is not active. Different scenarios:
- Client has not been running for more than 30 days
- The last time user signed in was more than 30 days ago