You can 'jump back in time' by selecting a date from which the data will be restored from. You will always have the emails / files restored as they were on that specific date. Only emails and files that existed in Microsoft 365 on that day will be restored, and you will get the selected day's file versions.
- Sign into the Backup Portal
- Enter Mail or OneDrive page
- Select the user you wish to restore data from
- Select the items or folder to be restored
- Select the restore options:
- Date from which the emails / files will be restored ('Restore to a past date'). The current date is always pre-selected, but you can select any past date from the calendar and you will always have the items restored as they were on the specific date - i.e. allowing you to jump back in time.
You can also choose:
- Target account for the restoration ('Restore to user'). Your own user account is selected by default, but you can also restore the emails / files to another user account in the same M365 tenant. Select the account from the drop-down menu.
- Target folder ('Restore to a custom folder') where the emails / files will be restored to. By default the items will be restored to their original location, i.e. the same folder where they are located in backup. You can also type any folder name. If such folder doesn't exist in the destination account's Mailbox / OneDrive, the folder will be created during the restore process.
Full instructions for data restoration can be found here:
Restore Emails
Restore OneDrive