What kind of access rights are needed to backup Shared Drives?

For Shared Drives backup an enabled user account / accounts (can be either Super Admin or end-user account) always needs to have access to the Shared Drives and their folders. If none of the users whose backup is 'ON' can access the Shared Drives and their folders, backup application cannot access these drives/folder either.


Case: Only Shared Drives are configured for backup

Backup should be enabled (Backup = ON) for such Super Admin account that has access to all the Shared Drives and folders. It is not needed to enable any user services (such as Drive backup); it is enough that the Backup slide switch for the Super Admin account is turned ON.

If Super Admin account does not have access to all Shared Drives, then to be able to back up them, backup should be enabled for an end-user / end-users who has access to these Shared Drive folders. It is enough to have backup enabled (Backup = ON) and no need to enable any of the user services (Mail, Drive etc). So, to back up all Shared Drives, they should be accessible at least by one of the enabled users.



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